parent nodes: Lief Haven | Thorne Haven

Thorne Haven

The older brother of Lief Haven.

He was superhero track, and he graduated because of his performance as a hero. His grades were barely passing, and if it wasn't for his place in the tournament they would have likely let him flunk out. He was in the class of 2002. I would like to say that he received offers from heroes to work with them, being scouted from the tournament, but he doesn't like the idea of working under someone. After school his whole team decided they wanted to work with a hero other than him, no longer needing him on the team to improve their position within the school. He is now out alone doing vigilante work in less patrolled areas giving him the freedom to take down criminals the way he sees fit with little to no oversight as well as try to make a name for himself as someone who will help those who feel neglected by heroes. He has always been more on the apathetic side, finding any way to come out on top disregarding the consequences. If it wouldn't get him expelled I'd say he likely permanently maimed someone during the tournament last year, and while it was ruled an accident, he didn't seem remorseful. If he stays on his current path, when he sees people he put away before become repeat offenders or break out repeatedly, he will likely turn to more permanent solutions to stop the crime. He isn't evil, just apathetic, if someone is hurt in a fight with him then it is their fault for not choosing their fights properly. He also views criminal's lives as being worth less than that of a law abiding citizen, so if he thinks the only way he can save lives by killing or maiming a criminal he will do it. It's a combination of these factors that I want to lead his reputation into disrepair and lead him towards either being an anti-hero willing to do whatever it takes regardless of the cost, or a villain who believes he is helping.